StressTherapy Solutions presents
Brain-based assessment and treatment alternatives for the 21st century AKA QEEG Certification Course
August 18-23, 2020
Crowne Plaza
5300 Rockside Rd.
Independence, OH 44131
The next evolution in neurofeedback is QEEG! QEEG, Live Z-Score, sLORETA Live, BrainAvatar, BrainDx, QEEGPro, NewMind, and More!
To Register:
- Call (800) 447-8052 or (216) 766-5707
- Email:
- Pay using Paypal (see below)
For all experience levels : Beginner to Advanced!
Whether you’re about to dive into the exciting world of QEEG and brain mapping or trying to enhance existing skills with database-guided neurofeedback, this 6-day workshop will unlock the mysteries of how morphology of RAW EEG converts into color-coded normative brain maps that provide clinically relevant insights. Our team of highly qualified and experienced instructors will cover everything from the basics of how databases are developed to the subtle skill set needed to identify and address underlying neuronal dysregulation.
Significant time will be allotted for hands-on practice with the established equipment and designs, as well as introducing cutting edge approaches that are demonstrating promising results. The brilliant combination of normative databases with BrainMaster’s Mini-Q and Discovery 24E adds a dimension that allows the practitioner to observe and train brain activity monitored at up to 19 channels (LZT ZOK, Z PLUS, PZ Motive, PZ Mean, including Z Bars, BrainAvatar, and Live Topographic Mapping) using the innovative live Z-Score methods (PZOK). Practitioners from all levels of experience will walk away from this workshop with a richer understanding of how to use qEEG brain mapping and analysis to increase clinical efficacy.
QEEG Certification Test on Monday August 24th at the end of the conference. For more details please click the link here!
TUESDAY, August 18, 2020
8:30 AM to 10:30 AM – Ethics for QEEG and Neurofeedback (2 Hours)
- Scope of Practice
- Scope of Compentence
- State and Federal Laws
- Ethical Guidelines
- Professional Organizations
- Publications
- Research Standards
- Protection of Client Data
Thomas Collura
10:45 AM to 12:45 PM – Neuroanatomy + QEEG Interpretation (2 Hours)
- Neuroanatomy, Neurophysiology and EEG Frequencies Based in Brodmann Areas and Other Neuroanatomical Structures
- Interpreting QEEG; using sLORETA, Live Z-Score
Lunch: 12:45 PM to 1:45 PM
1:45 PM to 5:45 PM – Neuroanatomical (4 Hours)
- Pathways through the Brain based in Brodmann Areas and Other Neuroanatomical Structures
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM – QEEG Analysis & Neurofeedback Application (1 Hours)
WEDNESDAY, August 19, 2020
8:30 AM to 12:45 PM – Clinical and Cognitive QEEG BP (4 Hours)
- Clinical presentation and the EEG
- Cognitive and clinical changes after neurofeedback training
- Brodmann areas
- Clinical and cognitive changes
Lunch: 12:45 PM to 1:45 PM
1:45 PM to 2:45 PM – Montages, Spectral, Topo QEEG BP (1 Hour)
- Coherence
- Phase
- Interpretation of EEG connectivity
2:45 PM to 3:45 PM – QEEG Analysis & Neurofeedback Application (1 Hour)
- Coherence
- Phase
- Interpretation of EEG connectivity
4:00 PM to 7:00 PM – Practicum, Artifact QEEG BP (3 Hours)
- Using automated report generator software to edit and analyze EEG
- Using BrainAvatar and related software to edit and analyze EEG
Thomas Collura
THURSDAY, August 20, 2020
8:30 AM to 11:00 AM- Database Analysis QEEG BP (2.5 Hours)
- Subject inclusion and exclusion criteria
- Fundamental statistical considerations
11:15 AM to 12:15 PM – Montages, Spectral, Topo QEEG BP (1 Hours)
- Montages
- Transforms
- Power displays
- Signal frequency sources in the brain
12:15 AM to 12:45 PM – Practicum, Artifact QEEG BP (0.5 Hour)
- Use of Report Generator related software to artifact
- Edit and analyze EEG
Lunch: 12:45 PM to 1:45 PM
1:45 PM to 3:45 PM – Drugs QEEG BP (2 Hours)
- Psychopharmacology and the effects of drugs on the EEG
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM – Clinical and Cognitive Aspects QEEG BP (2 hours)
- Developmental changes in the EEG
- Origins of the EEG
- Networks
6:00 PM to 7:00 PM – QEEG Analysis & Neurofeedback Application (1 hours)

David Cantor
Ph.D, QEEG-D |
FRIDAY, August 21, 2020
8:30 AM to 10:30 AM – Editing , Artifacts QEEG BP (2 hours)
- Physiologic and extra-physiologic artifacts
- Motion
- Environment
10:45 AM to 12:45 PM – Database Analysis QEEG BP (2 Hours)
- T-test
- Alpha and p levels
- Statistical correlation
- Z-scores
Lunch: 12:45 PM to 1:45 PM
1:45 PM to 2:15 PM – Clinical and Cognitive Aspects QEEG BP (0.5 Hours)
- EEG origins
- EEG signatures that should be referred out to other professionals
2:15 PM to 4:15 PM – Montages, Spectral, Topo QEEG BP (2 Hours)
- Montages
- Transforms
- Power displays
- Signal frequency sources in the brain
4:30 PM to 7:00 PM – Practicum, Artifact QEEG BP (2.5 Hours)
- Detection of artifacts arising from physiological sources
Harry Kerasidis
SATURDAY, August 22, 2020
9:00 AM to 5:00 PM – Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced Users of QEEG, Live Z-Score, BrainAvatar, qEEGPro, and Neurofeedback: 6 hours QEEG and Neurofeedback |
Earn Up to 5 BCIA Mentoring Hours attending Saturday and Sunday with Jeff & Tom |
Jeff and Tom will work with all levels of users of QEEG in learning the basics of saving and organizing EEG and client files for a clinical practice. They will introduce importing EEG files into normative database software, artifacting data, creating brain maps and images, techniques for organizing clinical information, and initial principles for understanding brain maps in a clinical setting. Focus will be on the qEEGPro Report Generator as the database of choice. Brain mapping in the BrainAvatar Software will also be demonstrated. Working with 4 and 19 channel PZOK and sLORETA, and qEEGPro Network Protocols |
Jeffrey Reich, QEEG-D, BCN |

Thomas Collura
SUNDAY, August 23, 2020
9:00 AM to 3:00 PM – Intermediate/Advanced Users of QEEG, Live Z-Score, BrainAvatar, qEEGPro, and Neurofeedback: 4 hours QEEG and Neurofeedback |
Continuation of material from Saturday Practicum |
Jeffrey Reich, QEEG-D, BCN |
3:00 PM to 5:00 PM – Workshop Review/Q & A Session
- Comprehensive answers to frequently asked questions
- Lively and engaging discussion
- Review anything you may have missed!

Thomas Collura
Hotel Information Crowne Plaza Cleveland South 5300 Rockside Road Independence Ohio 44131 Phone: 216-524-0700 and ask for “StressTherapy Solutions Corporate Rate”. New link to reserve coming soon, or you can Email $89 (plus tax) for a standard king or queen.
Penijean will work with all beginner/early intermediate users of QEEG in reviewing basics of saving and organizing EEG files, the importance of databases in relation to EEG, the discussion of quantitative analysis metrics and methods, the creation of useful data for clinicians, and navigating through BrainMaster BrainAvatar screens. She will introduce importing EEG files into normative database software, artifacting data, creating brain maps and images, techniques for organizing clinical information, and initial principles for understanding brain maps in a clinical setting.
Focus on qEEGPro and NewMind for Beginners