21+ Hr Didactic EEG/QEEG Introduction with Neuromodulation/Neurofeedback + EEG/QEEG Implementation Workshop – a relevant course for other device or therapy assessment guidance
EEG/QEEG Introductory and Certification Review with Neuromodulation/Neurofeedback + Implementation – a relevant course for other device or thearpy assessment guidance
September 5, 20 & 21, 2024
Virtual Workshop

Thomas Collura Ph.D, QEEG-D, BCN, LPCC-S
Jeffrey P. Reich, QEEG-D, BCN
This follow up course to the 40hr EEG/QEEG didactic workshop offers additional review regarding interpreting reports, reviewing EEG/QEEGs, hands on practice, and Q&A relevant to neurofeedback integration and implementation when using database guided (live and in real time). EEG/QEEG test review included!
Purchase Options:
Full Workshop – 3 Day 21+ Hr Didactic EEG/QEEG Introduction with Neuromodulation/Neurofeedback + EEG/QEEG Implementation workshop – a relevant course for other device or therapy assessment guidance
$650 USD
Discounted pricing for all Attendees of the EEG/QEEG Certification Didactic Workshop (Sign up for that workshop here)
Day 1 of 21+ Hr Didactic EEG/QEEG Introduction with Neuromodulation/Neurofeedback + EEG/QEEG Implementation workshop – a relevant course for other device or therapy assessment guidance
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Thursday, September 5, 2024
9:00 AM to 9:30 AM – EEG/QEEG Prep Class (30 Minutes)
- Review of EEG/QEEG requirement
- Distribute all class materials and explain the use of DropBox
- Explanation of distributed materials and how to access them during class time
- Explain how the exam is administered
9:30 AM to 10:45 AM – EEG/QEEG 101 – This subject matter is the foundation for the entire body of work presented in this workshop (1 Hour and 15 Minutes)
- Brainwave explanations
- International 10/20 sites and Brodmann Areas
- Interpreting Raw EEG/QEEG – VERY BASIC – (Details will be covered in depth during the remainder of the course)
- 3 montages
- Basic artifacting
- Interpreting FFT Absolute Power Maps and Absolute Power ZScore maps
- Interpreting Alpha and background frequency
- Interpreting Theta/Beta Ratio
Break – 10:45 AM – 11:00 AM (15 Minutes)
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM – EEG/QEEG 101 Continued (1 Hour and 30 Minutes)
- Review and interpret several EEG/QEEG for practice
- Interpreting and presenting the EEG/QEEGPro report
- Protocol selection based on the EEG/QEEG
- Record keeping
Lunch – 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM (1 Hour)
1:30 PM to 3:45 PM (2 Hours and 15 Minutes)
- The EEG/QEEG report template
- Writing your own EEG/QEEG report (5 reports required by the EEG/QEEG Board for Certification)
Break – 3:45 PM – 4:00 PM (15 Minutes)
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM (1 Hour and 30 Minutes)
Jeffrey Reich
Thomas Collura
Day 2 of 21+ Hr Didactic EEG/QEEG Introduction with Neuromodulation/Neurofeedback + EEG/QEEG Implementation workshop – a relevant course for other device or therapy assessment guidance
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Friday, September 20, 2024
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM (1 Hour and 45 Minutes)
- Report construction student presentation and review
- Review
- Choosing the proper montage
- EEG/QEEG analysis
- Protocol selection
Break – 10:45AM – 11:00 AM (15 Minutes)
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM (1 Hour and 30 Minutes)
- Longitudinal Bipolar (Double Banana) Montage Presentations
- Artifact in the Double Banana Montage
Lunch – 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM (1 Hour)
1:30 PM to 3:45 PM (2 Hours and 15 Minutes)
- Study Presentations by students
- Study Presentations by instructor
Break – 3:45 PM – 4:00 PM (15 Minutes)
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM (1 Hour and 30 Minutes)
- Review exam questions – Technical Foundations
- Review exam questions – Thatcher
Jeffrey Reich
Thomas Collura
Day 3 of 21+ Hr Didactic EEG/QEEG Introduction with Neuromodulation/Neurofeedback + EEG/QEEG Implementation workshop – a relevant course for other device or therapy assessment guidance
9:00 AM – 5:30 PM Eastern Daylight Time
Saturday, September 21, 2024
9:00 AM to 10:45 AM (1 Hour and 45 Minutes)
- Report construction student presentation and review
- Review
- Choosing the proper montage
- EEG/QEEG analysis
- Protocol Selection
Break – 10:45 AM – 11:00 AM (15 Minutes)
11:00 AM to 12:30 PM (1 Hour and 30 Minutes)
Lunch – 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM (1 Hour)
1:30 PM to 3:45 PM (2 Hours and 15 Minutes)
- Medication Presentation continued if necessary
- Coherence Review
- Study Presentations by students
- Study Presentations by instructor
Break – 3:45 PM – 4:00 PM (15 Minutes)
4:00 PM to 5:30 PM (1 Hour and 30 Minutes)
- i. Studies continued if necessary
- ii. Final Q & A to include
- Raw EEG/QEEG interpretation
- Artifact
- Studies
- Student concerns
Jeffrey Reich
Thomas Collura
*System of Choice: The main equipment of choice and use by all instructors and workshops is BrainMaster Technologies Inc.
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